Saturday, 28 February 2009

Sink or swim?

Recently things have been rather hectic. There have been times when, I must admit, I’ve considered the possibility that I might have taken on too much. Mostly other people’s responses – “I don’t know how you do it!” – “Where do you get the time?” give me a sense of achievement, and so far I haven’t had to cope with a “Why didn’t you…” or “You’ve let me down” although there have been things that just haven’t made it to my priority list.

I am a fairly organised person (though this definitely does not apply to my domestic duties) and would normally get things done in advance of their deadline. Recently however, things stacked up rather, and I have been forced to cut it fine on several projects. This “just in time” approach is the way that my Head Teacher usually chooses to work.

Previously I had observed that it put rather a strain on other people, who would often have to drop what they were doing in order to ensure that our HT’s higher priority activity happened. I sometimes thought of this as unfair and stressful for the others involved. However this last week has engendered much “team spirit” and a sense of community as we all worked hard and with common goals right up to the wire on such events as the highly successful Burns Supper, and the warm and appreciative gatherings of pupils and parents, and then later present and former staff to mark our long-serving and much-loved janitor’s retiral.

I have some fairly important and stressful events to organise in the coming weeks, some of which will require nerves of steel. Perhaps I should look on them as opportunities for “just in time” practice which will build a sense of community. Perhaps I should look to involve others more, rather than do it all myself. I don’t know what happens if you do sail too close to the wind. I suppose I might capsize, but I can swim. There are usually lifeboats around waiting for just such a call. It’s risky but I might give it a go.

Monday, 23 February 2009

Dr Kawashima

Ha! My brain is getting younger, even if my body isn't.