Sunday 19 October 2008

Thinking on holiday

On holiday, I realised that the Curriculum for Excellence isn't going to be like this:


(That's Moses getting the ten commandments)

But more like this:


Perhaps ending up like this?


Who knows where I was on holiday?


Anonymous said...

Florence - you lucky so-and-so!

My favourite of those panels is the Salome one - but the closest I ever got to it was the facsimile on the backstairs in the Museum of Scotland.

Hope you didn't get Cultural Fatigue! Was your husband with you? I wonder if an architect would find Florence humbling, frustrating or inspiring?

Anonymous said...

Ha! You clever thing you!

Yes, my husband was with me (and no children) so it was a relaxing trip, and somewhat cheaper than we have been used to for what seems like a lifetime! We enjoyed pleasing ourselves for a few days.

Florence was everything he hoped for artistically and architecturally, though it made him wistful for the patronage of rich and influential families which produced the impressive detailing we still enjoy there today.

Mothersoup said...

Ha! And entirely at the whim of capricious, inter-bred megalomaniacs - it cuts both ways...

If he starts decorating his work with naked statues, you'll know it's *really* had an effect...